2. Key Findings

2.1 Coverage of Climate Change Policy

2.2 Language Used to Define the Debate

The words used to describe issues influence the way it is discussed. The carbon emissions reduction policy was originally referred to as the carbon pricing policy, although from the beginning, the Opposition leader Tony Abbott from referred to it as a ‘tax’. Under questioning, Prime Minister Julia Gillard agreed on February 24 that the policy would be “effectively like a tax” (7.30 Report, 24 Feb 2011).

The articles were coded on whether they referred to the carbon reduction scheme as a ‘price’, ‘tax’ or both.

2.3 Framing of Arguments Against the Policy

2.4 Sources in the Australian Media

These findings are based on an analysis of the first three sources quoted in all news and features.

2.5 Editorials

2.6 Opinion